Every year I have really good intentions about making most of the gifts I give. Some years I actually do it and others maybe not so much. This year I'll probably be somewhere in the middle. You see, the trouble with making gifts is that you actually have to plan far enough ahead to get them done. I keep thinking this will be the last year I'll have trouble doing that, because come next fall I'll be retired, but people keep telling me I'll be busier than ever. I hope not. I've always said the first year I'm retired I'm going to live in my pajamas and do all of the things I haven't had time to do while working. I'll only get dressed to visit family and go out to eat! I'm sure you're grinning now.
I did start a sweater for my grandson this evening. Got about 3" knit on the back. He's small enough that I think I can actually get it done in time for him to wear and I'm making it on the big side so he can wear it two years. It's easier than knitting socks on tiny needles, I can tell you that much. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I have to finish the ribbing on my second sock so I can actually have a pair I've made. Back to the holidays. I have doll clothes knitted for two of the granddaughters, and just need to do one more. I think I can get that done, too. The daughters got shawls last year, so if I get that far for them it will be something smaller.
Hmmm, do you notice how I wander from topic to topic in this post? That may actually be part of my problem in getting my projects completed. I tend to wander from sewing to knitting to embroidery to cooking and even sometimes cleaning, but I always come back and eventually it gets done. Just not all at once. Maybe I should adopt the little engine that could's motto--I think I can, I think I can and I will.
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