My holiday sewing started in the summer when I got a new serger and decided to make matching cosmetic bags and eyeglass cases for co-workers and the female relative list, who range in age from 5 to 81. I found the book Ready, Set, Serge by Georgie Melot and off I went. I've made over two dozen and have a few more to finish during the next week.
Next came the holiday aprons. Miss V and her doll Kit wanted to help cook so naturally they had to have matching aprons. I'm hoping that learning to tie bows with apron strings makes the tying process easier for her. Maybe her Aunt B will have to teach her the bunny ear trick. These were made using a Kwik Sew pattern.
Barb, so glad you started a blog. I will be sure to follow it. Can't believe you now have three granddaughters.