Yes, I do have three granddaughters. V is the oldest, but her twin sisters E & K will get a Grandma made gift this year as well. They have so many hand-me-down clothes from big sister and her friends, that I don't get to sew much in the way of clothing for them, so I had to do something else. They don't know it yet, but they are getting baby dolls with special birthmarks that are shaped just like an 'E' and a 'K' named Emma and Kyla. Of course these dollies come with bottles and umbrella strollers and homemade quilts that were finished and washed today.

Miss E absolutely, positively loves purple. Her face lights up when she says the word, and she says it a lot because it happens to be one of her very favorite words in the world. Can you guess what the main color of her quilt turned out to be--yup, purple. I can't wait for Christmas morning for her to see it. I predict she'll play with the quilt more than the doll, but you never really know about these things.
Miss K will love her baby! She's going to be another doll lover, like her big sister, V. On the outside she's quieter and sits back and observes the world more than her sisters, but every once in awhile you get a glimpse of what's really happening in her head, and some day she'll break lose out of that shell with lots and lots of personality. That's why Grandma chose a very, very bright quilt for her.

Perhaps you can see a similar theme if you look closely at the quilts. There are even a couple of fabrics that appear in both of them. Have you spotted it yet? Frogs. There are some flowers and some insects, too, but the connector between the two quilts is definitely frogs. Their Mom has always loved frogs, and in some cultures frogs symbolize fertility, and they are twins, so it fits, sort of.
I used my friend's accuquilt cutter to do all of the squares. What a great time-saving tool!