Well, it's the 5th of January and I finally finished the next to last gift I had to do. After the first of the year, I monogrammed towels for my husband's brother's grown kids and finished the hat I was knitting our niece. Her towel set is actually a housewarming present as she purchased her first home in 2016. I still have a kitchen towel to complete for my Mom, and need to desperately get busy working on the grandson's sweater jacket for his February birthday.
Since we'll be moving in a little over two months, I've been doing a lot of packing of things we want to take, but don't necessarily need now. There's a lot of that as well as a lot of getting rid of stuff we don't want/need anymore and don't want to pay to move. I've donated several sewing and quilting books to ASG already.
My new crafting (i.e. sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery and maybe tatting) room is a lot bigger than what I've had in the past, and I am so pumped. There's the stairwell and a half bath at one end with a window in between, a storage closet and the closet for the furnace/air conditioning inside parts, and the rest of the 18' X 39' space is mine! Actually the closet and bath are there for a reason, too, but I just can't wait to move everything into the space.
So here are my resolutions for the next few months:
1. Get everything sorted through and packed. Take the important stuff (machines in the case of the craft area) and other things we don't want the movers to take and put them in our storage area.
2. Donate what is useable and we don't want and get rid of the rest.
3. Finish the birthday sweater/jacket.
4. Learn to tat after we are settled.
5. Start a crochet project. I really miss using the hook!
6. Finish projects for other great nieces.
There are probably lots of things I've forgotten, but this is a start.