The second is for granddaughter #1, and is a cowl. She has to wait at the bus stop this year to go to middle school, so I knitted the one from the Craftsy Fall Knit Along with Kate Atherley. I didn't make as many repeats of the pattern as it called for as her neck isn't as large as an adult's yet. Besides, when you live in the south, there truly aren't too many days when she'll be wearing it, but I know it can get cold waiting for the bus.
I also have two projects on different knitting needles. The first is a cabled hat that I'm making for our niece who does live in the cold winter weather area. When we were there this summer, she told me she just loves gold, so that's what she's getting. This project is also from Craftsy's Fall Knit Along. Love the videos with the clear photography!
The other gift I have on the needles is actually going to be a zippered sweater jacket for the grandson, but it might be for his birthday rather than for Christmas. My hands got tired yesterday knitting on the cables, so I switched and actually got this much done in an afternoon. Very relaxing after the cables! I'm making it a little big, as he's growing like a weed. He has a really long, thin torso, so it's important that the length of the body and sleeves match him. I bought an extra skein of yarn to make that happen.
I have other project yet to start. The twins need another leotard each--this one will be made from a swimsuit pattern rather than the leotard, which was a little tight. I'm making DD#2 some things for her Montessori school. Not sure what else will appear from my crafting, but I'm sure something will--it always does.